Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts

Saturday, October 1, 2011

SDotP: Customizing a wig and torso armor

Thursday the wigs finally arrived, and of course.. the wig-craze that I am, I had to start styling it up as fast as possible.

The blue wig I had gotten, is long by itself, but not long enough to have the ponytail that Kaito has as the demon, alas; sewing on extensions.
The wig itself is heat resistant, and the extensions I got wasn't, so I was very lucky that the color matched up as well as it did. I got myself five single-strands of clip-on extensions, removed the clip and have sown them on were I thought would look the best in layering.
Since I'll removed them again at some point, I used black thread, so it'd be easier to spot.

The wig, inside out on a Styrofoam head, so it's easier to work with.

Today, I helped my lovely cosplay partner, with her torso armor.
Since she wanted something body tight, that would fit properly, we had to make it directly on her body, and so we wrapped her like a turkey (her words), and got cooking /see what I did there? 8D
We only added one layer of paper-maché, since it'll also be covered with chicken wire, and other very fun stuff, so it'll be sturdy for the stage.

As I've already said on this dA Journal, I've started scripting a few CMV's, and right now I'm working on a major one, with Ao No Exorcist, I've written down a few scenes that'd I'd like to use, but that it thus far, needs more time.

Frickin' artistic picture, because you're not allowed to know what'll happen 8D

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

SDotP: Drafting Armor

*scarlet demon of the pavement

I've been working a little on how I want to put together the armor for Kaito.
I want it so I can bend my body and limbs, without any problem or discomfort, so it will be a very demanding project, once I get into the MAKING of it, but as the title says..
I've made some small 3D drafts of what I've imagined it to be, so far.

This first picture is the body armor, yes. It's very simple, but it is only paper, so no greater details.
I might add some more ribcage armor, but it really depends on what I'm going to work with in the end.
The long choppy piece, will also be armor, which will follow my spine, as if the armor actually is a piece of me.

This is the 'prototype' of the armor rings, which I'll make 10 of total, all to fit each individual finger.
Since it's paper, I couldn't bend out the shape as it's supposed to go, but I've gotten a feeling of how I need to put it together and what size it'll be in the end.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Roxas is finished.

I finished Roxas the day before we had to leave for Desu, nice.

I tried a lot of new things with this costume, and I've also learned a lot.
Even with the flaws of it, I like the cosplay a lot, and I can't wait to have some pictures taken.

It was also the first time for me, to actually build shoes, which was... entertaining XD
Pretty easy, since Roxas have some mighty big shoes, so no minor detail.
I used fun foam to build the outer skeleton, and also some wire to hold it in shape, and then papermaché to make it sturdy.
Covered it with hard pleather and added details (which was actually the hardest)

I don't really have a lot of progress pictures from making the costume it self, so you'll have to settle.
The tank top, came out a little too long, so my anatomy looks a little weird, but oh well.
The pleather I worked with for the jacket and pants covers, were amazing, and so easy sew in. The red I used for the collar, WAS NOT!!
I did a lot of ragequitting on the jacket, but still managed to finish it XD

I got a lot of attention for the costume, which surprised me, because I figured that the Kingdom Hearts hype had ridden itself out, but I guess not. The wig got slightly damaged during transport, especially the flat side, and I didn't really get to remake it at the hotel, because I got busy with other stuff, but a lot of people still called it the best they've seen ever, omigosh the flatter <3

All in all, it was a really fun costume to wear, because of the attention, and the way I had to carry myself in it, because of the giant shoes (serious leg pains by the end of the day!!)

If I had to change something, I think I would tug in the leg-covers a little and make the inner collar stand up like it's supposed to.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Confined and Beautiful

I ordered a binder like... a week ago, and it came in monday, hooo yeah~
So much more comfortable than anything I've ever done to hold in the small amount of boobage that I got.

Dude! FedEx, see that's class! It came in about 24 hours after I pressed "Confirm payment", w00t!

All three manshirts, Zuum's, Hayes' and Mine. very nice.

Oh yes. Man shirt.

So right now I'm testing it out, I must say... I think I need to shrink it down a little, Toned man boobs, I don't appreciate it much, when I cosplay small boys.

Also, Kiba came by... the day before yesterday, so we could start on details for our Servant of Evil.
This time... We called out roses, since we're gonna try and win a craft-price, we're going to make as much as we can ourselves.

Working haard

I must say... IT TAKES FOREVER! Took me like 4 hours to ALMOST finish mine x__x;; but I got the technique down now >D

How you like that gorgeous?