Just a quick shot of how the shirt I made for Kiris looks.
I'm really satisfied with it, and think it have the 'medieval' feel to it, that the whole Manhwa does :D

So... Kiba talked me into trying to finish my (so unplanned) Ciel cosplay, for J-popcon, since she's going as Madam Red.
So I made some practice make-up and tried to style a wig with the likeness of Ciel's hair.
I've already ordered a wig, tomorrow I'm going to look for fabric, and then see if I can manage to make the shorts.

Ciel eye-patch. Not showing it off properly before I've gotten the wig XDD
It's self interpreted, since I HATE the look of the one he's portrayed to use. This one is so much more hardcore >D

And because I got annoyed with my Tai cosplay, I started working on my Ritsuka shirt, made by leftover fabric. It's just something I'm working on on the side, it's not for anything special.
And I'm very excited about everything. Can't you tell?