From the left: DcastEye as Haruhi Suzumiya, Rosenguru-sama as nameless ninja, Alexiz as maid from He is My Master and Pixi as Sakura Kinomoto
From the left: DcastEye as Haruhi Suzumiya, Rosenguru-sama as nameless ninja, Alexiz as maid from He is My Master and Pixi as Sakura Kinomoto
After some troubles with the patterns, everything seemed to go just well.
Even thou it looked as I wanted to kill the sewingmaskin a couple of times.
About Hinata-sou. Hinata-sou was a little gathering in a few nights and weekends that me and my friends arranged in the spring of 2008. We showed anime, learned japanese, cooked asian type of food, played games and alot more. In short, a really good time.