Showing posts with label Sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Time flies

Yeah, time flies a bit faster that I think it should. But now I'm back for real, and thinking of redoing the design for this blog a bit, a little at a time.

At the moment I'm in the middle my cosplay plans for KodachiCon in May. I've soon got all the patterns done so I can start sew for real. And I also did the last shopping today. Now I've got lots and lots of spandex, craft foam, a little fake fur and a pirate sword. Once I get a little more done I start posting some pics here and if you are inpatient you can always look at my Twitter where I usually post it first.

My poor excuse of a first attempt for a bodysuit. It went not-so-good.  

Well I have a date with the sofa now. So bye!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Medieval Petrol Outfit

So last week I went to a medieval fair or market to work. Of course I had to wear something proper otherwise I wouldn't fit in. After some scouting and browsing I found a reconstruction of the Moy Bog-dress from Ireland that I felt could work. The pattern is dated to late 14th century.

Then the fun began. I enlarged the print so that I could just draw of the pattern and it kind of looked like this: 

I found this lovely dark blue petrol coloured wool fabric that didn't made me that poor and decided to hem it with a black velvet that I had laying back home. We had early on decided that I would look as I came from the higher stands so I could wear both blue and dark which at that time were expensive colours. Velvet was also made in use during the later time period of the middle ages so the dress is almost according time except that I was lazy and sewed it on machine. 

Under the dress I wore a cotton dress which not exactly is according to the period, since cotton was mostly used in Egypt and I would have been at the World's End according to the Greeks. But I had to have something under my wool dress and I already had some meters at home. I still haven't sewn on the sleeves but it worked since they would still not be visible. 

The underdress took about five-six meters, but with the width that I gained I kind of understand that. The dress contains eight wide wedges and is surprisingly easy to walk in. 

Now for the wool dress. I changed the pattern a bit, as I have a habit of doing. I skipped two of the wedges since I didn't needed them and added a little trail. Until I learned not to walk on the trail, that took some time. 

My buttons were dressed by CarpeDentum and Madiijre as I didn't had the time to make them. I am so grateful to them, specially since I wouldn't made it in the dress if I didn't have the buttons. 

To the outfit I also made a veil, that big white thing on my head, and the bag. The bag was something that I don't think would be seen in the middle ages as it is made of one of my old winter jackets. It is always good to use old things.

A better picture of the outfit can be found here: link

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

High Waisted Skirt in Velvet

Yes, I couldn't make myself not post this. This is how the skirt turned out, but this is only one of many versions of the skirt that can be made. I will include some in the tutorial and that is one of the reason it takes time. 

It is made in cotton velvet and has shirring in the back and zipper in the side. It is a bit longer than the regular lolita-skirt but I like that, it won't be so cold in the winter then. I added a ruffle at the hem, cause I felt it needed that. 

And I have changed the system for the comments. I think it is much easier now. ^^

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Better and Almost a Yukata

I've finally gotten better. The flu is over and now I can start sewing things again. Good thing, considering I'm going to my next convention on Saturday and I haven't even started on Ame-Warashi's dress yet. But I did sew a yukata today for my friend as I did get her to cosplay Zarashi-Warashi along with mine Ame-Warashi.

So I took the first and best fabric I had at home and started to cut. Well to tell the truth I first drew the patterns from Gosu Rori v 11.

I hope to finish it tomorrow as I only have a bow to attach in the back of the obi. The fabrics made it really feel like spring and I hope it will get warmer for the weekend so that my friend won't freeze in this.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Preview: Ranka Lee

So, one day before going to OkashiiCon I started to sew. And I got it finished, or at least the dress. I still kneed to get some better shoulderstaps and a pair of bootcover, but that's all.
Hopefully I can get a picture of the whole outfit I wore on the con someday.
More of OkashiiCon comes later, once I'm done writing it. I'm also working on a tutorial for a lolita-skirt, that I think will be done in two weeks, if everything goes as I think it will.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Usagi Tsukino - Progress II

So today I got a bit on the blouse. I finshed the collar and the sleeves. The sleeves might have been getting a bit big, but I still like them so I guess I won't do anything about it. All that is left now is to attach the collar and the hem. Just click on the photos for close up.

Left to do: attaching the collar on the blouse and the hem. Sew the skirt and buying the wig and shoes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Usagi Tsukino - Progress I

I've finally gotten my pattern done. So I started to sew the blouse. I've gotten my front and back together, even thou there is no picture on that. After that I started on the collar, which is almost done. I also cut the collar on side, since it will fall much nicer then, but I'll guess that will show when the whole blouse is done, hopefully this weekend.

Left: last details on the collar, sleeves and putting it all together. Sewing the skirt. Buying the wig and shoes. Making broach and ribbon.
Done: Pattern and socks.

Can't wait until it's done! :D